Yesterday I actually got the BB geese completely sewn together! I think I will add a small border to frame in all those goofy geese, then I will post a picture. The day before, I actually got all the sashing and rows sewn together in our Stash quilt from JudyL. So I only have borders left on that! Wow, progress! I love it! Plus my mind is always swimming with new ideas! I don't know why starting projects is so easy and finishing them can be so difficult that we have to force ourselves to do it. Would someone please tell me why I can't begin a new paragraph on blogger? So moving to a new topic, Bonnie has had problems with someone using her designs again, and claiming them as their own. Bonnie always comes up with such great ideas. But to claim-jump them as your own copyrighted material --wow, what cave does that person live in? We live in an on-line world and there are no secrets! Having said that, I want to show you a quilt that I "designed" and used for a class. The quilt, pictured here, I call Quilt Jam. (Because you can jam so many fabrics into it! Yes, I love word play.) I printed patterns, etc. The blocks are made using a method created by Sally Schneider. Guess what? She gave me permission to use her method in my pattern! Many of you have probably used this method before and love it as I do. I really appreciate Sally's creative mind AND her willingness to share. I do think that after we spend hours and hours working on a quilt it "feels" like it is our own. In that way it may be difficult to separate ourselves as the quilt creator, from the quilt designer. I have posted several quilts on my blog that are my own design. I would be upset if someone claimed them as their own and published them. But I love sharing them with you! Now here is the funny part. I went to Sally's web site to make sure of the address before I created a link to it and while I looked at her patterns, I saw that she has another design that is very much like one I have printed. Now I am really feeling awkward! I e-mailed her and told her the situation. I told her I would remove mine from my web site if she felt it was a problem. She e-mailed me back and told me it was fine and I can continue selling it. Whew. Really, so many designs are so similar. But I don't want to make waves. I just want to sit like a duck in a puddle and splash a little!
Love the quilt -- you are so right about the variety of fabrics -- the more the merrier.
I also love truly scrappy - and I am always drawn to quilts with a myriad of different fabrics in them.
They are just shapes and how anyone can copyright a simple design that anyone of us could come up with is beyond me but good that you checked with Sally so no misunderstandings or legal actions ensue.
I love the quilt though and the scrappy nine patch effect that happens when you sash and cornerstone the blocks. Like Broken Dishes and Art Block all in one!
The whole issue has stumped me but I don't see how anyone can claim any old block as original, so what do I know. I have loved the Brave New World block forever. Heck I just made my own version of it using one of the 5 or so ways that a magazine showed you could use to configure it. They also showed this configuration too. Another favorite of mine. So does Sally do it the way that I learned from Billie Lauder on Simply Quilts? No triangles involved? Just squares and rectangles used? I showed the techinque on my blog last month to several people who had never seen it before! If it's what you used..it's a super quick way to not deal with triangles!
Great use of loads of fabrics!!
Love your quilt. Beutiful colours and real scrappy.
I have learned that if I askes polite and explain why, most of the time I am allowed to use another designers pattern in teaching quilting classes. I got mad once when a "friend" went to one of my classes and afterwords teached the same pattern on another place.
This scrappy version looks great too!
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