Yes, I am sick. Whatever bugs my grandchildren were carrying around attacked my husband last week. I was feeling a little smug as he caught it and I didn't. "I had a flu shot", I proclaimed! Well now I have it, and it is death warmed over. I am hacking and sneezing and coughing my guts out.

I went to Montana with my daughter and family after the wedding. Her husband is in pharmacy school. I lined my medications up in front of him and asked, "what cold medicine can I take while taking these". He did a little research on line and told me I shouldn't take pseudofed with my blood pressure medicine. I told him I have taken it before and it didn't kill me. "Try taking two", he glibly replies. Very funny.
I will be back in a couple days when, hopefully, it won't hurt to laugh.

Welcome back, I can't wait to hear about the wedding.. but I can be patient, since you're under the weather. I swear that everyone gets sick after flying on a plane! Take good care and come back when you're better!
I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. You have been very busy! Take care and get well soon.
So sorry you are under the weather :o( Take care of yourself and get well soon!
I'm so happy for the new couple and the love they are blessed to share with all of you. But sharing cold and flu bugs...not so much! I'm knocking on wood for I'm about to fly...and throwing rose petals and rice for the new couple and sending virtual Vitamin C and zinc for you. Get better soon, mama of the's no fun being sick!!!!
Don't take two, Marcie!! Get well soon and come home already!
We've had the same cooties-- Bad stuff. Nyquil at night does wonders.
Oh Marcie...feel better soon.
I've been thinking about you my friend and I'm so appreciative of the quick note. I hope you don't spend a bunch of effort with replies. Just rest. Think water.
Poor girl. Hope you start feeling better soon. That "crud" is nasty stuff. Just rest as often as possible...and drink plenty of fluids.
Sending you chicken noodle soup hugs....
yucky ... hope your are better soon.
I've been wondering how you've been and details! Get better and then tell!
Glad to hear that all went well with the wedding. Sorry to hear that you are sick!! I wish I could be there to make you some chicken soup. I can't wait to see you and Mike in May...It's been far too long!
I totally sympathize with you! We've had the same thing here...finally seeing the end of the tunnel! We tried Mucelex for the first time and was happy with the results. Not sure it's compatible with your other meds though. Take care and get well soon!
Hope your feeling better! Sending warm wishes your way.
Hey Jenna is a Pharmacy student! Two years down, 4 to go!
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