I am happy to see these little quilts beginning to trickle in. Are you making one? Please share it with us if you are.
Also, I can finally show you the wool pillow that I made for my friend Joan. Her birthday was in October and we had trouble connecting. Joan loves acorns and anything pertaining to fall, so I knew she would love this pillo

Running errands today I stopped at the bank and went in the drive-through to deposit checks in my Patchalot Patterns account. After sending me my receipt the teller said, "Thank you Ms. Patterns". Isn't that funny? I keep chuckling over that.
It is storming here in Virginia Beach again. I cut my running around short and came back to my warm home. I lit a vanilla candle and am now I am headed into my sewing room to work on Christmas Sparklers. You know all my kids expect their own and I aim to please!

P.S. Do you want to add the little Sparkler block to your sidebar on your blog? I would love it if you did. That way more people will notice it and news will spread. Here is my method.
Save a copy of the block picture from by blog onto your computer. Open a posting page in your blog. Add the picture of the block in the center position. click on the picture and reduce the size so you have a nice little picture like mine. Click on the picture and the link icon to link it to my website. (http://www.patchalotpatterns.com/)
You may also add words, as I did. Center them as well.
Now SAVE the draft, DO NOT publish. Next, click on the tab above that says Edit Html. Click on the mouse to hi-light the whole page of HTML. Right click and copy.
Click on the tab above that says Layout. Open the list of gadgets and select the one that says HTML. Paste the copied HTML in the box. Title it, save it, and you are all set.
It may sound complicated, but it is really easy. This way you only get a small block on your sidebar instead of a quilt size picture. Plus you have it all linked, as easy as can be!
Great use of colors with the Sparkler! Now why didn't I think of that? ...because I haven't started mine yet. (of course)
Day Late and a Dollar Short on Love, *karendianne.
Ms Patterns . . . you're killin' me here *s* It's a little funny, but a little sad too - another commentary on poor customer service. They are so drilled on the proper steps to accomplish a 'perfect shop' from a secret shopper that all personal touch is lost. Can you tell this is a HUGE pet peeve of mine?
Thanks for the tutorial on how to add to my sidebar. I have not one thing there that isn't Blogger driven because I have no clue how to do it. Time for a little practice session. Who knows, maybe my entire sidebar will get a holiday make-over *s*
Your sparklers are so cute. I love to see a lot of people make the same pattern because they all turn out so differently...all the same, but different;) I love that. I hope to get one made, but it might be after the first of the year...that's ok tho, cuz I'm a star freek and I have stars up all year long. We had snow last night and today...I guess winter is here...Keep warm and dry and do lots of sewing;)
lol And here I thought that "Patch" was a pretty terrific last name to be assigned to a quilter! Guess "Patterns" could be a close second. ;-) Too funny!
That is so adorable that she called you Ms. Patterns...so your first name would be Patchalot then, right?
I added your pattern link to my side bar. Please come and see when you get the chance.
My quilt will hopefully be finished soon. I will let you know when I am showing it. All my quilting is usually shown on Mondays.
Great quilt you designed there Ms Patterns ;O)
Hi, Ms. Patterns, the three Sparklers versions are super. I just love to see different interpretations of the same pattern.
It`sadorable see your quilts,well done and thanks for share them
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