My daughter made this cute tree quilt for me a couple years ago and left it to me to sew on the buttons to decorate it. Well, I finally sat down yesterday to do it! While sewing I got the idea to put Christmas pins on it. I had four old tree pins that were my mothers. Then I found a few other things--old jewelry of my mothers. I also added a couple quilt pins, a tiny framed photo of my granddaughter, my dad's Navy wings, etc. I sewed on a bunch of red buttons to brighten it up. In the end it turned out cute, in a hokey sort of way! (That dorky homemade look!) I hung it on the wall and it does brighten the place up a little. It is fun to have those little mementoes out where I can see them instead of in a drawer.
I haven't put up a Christmas tree in about 16 years. These past years we always travel to be with our kids and grandkids. I have boxes of decorations in the attic. I should get them out and divide the good ones up for the kids. I used to make a lot of ornaments, as did my mother. My kids always liked those the best. Smart kids!
The past two Christmases we have been at my daughter's in Minnesota. This year we are all going to my son's in Arizona. The whole family will be together for the first times in about three years. My dad just moved there also, so he will be with us. I think my husband and I will sneak off to sleep at my dad's so we can find a few moments of peace in the evenings. It is coming up fast and I am looking forward to it!
The past two Christmases we have been at my daughter's in Minnesota. This year we are all going to my son's in Arizona. The whole family will be together for the first times in about three years. My dad just moved there also, so he will be with us. I think my husband and I will sneak off to sleep at my dad's so we can find a few moments of peace in the evenings. It is coming up fast and I am looking forward to it!

In the meantime, I have been making these little table top quilties for gifts. They are not Christmas fabrics, so really could be left out all year as a gentle reminder of Faith-Hope-Love-Joy. Very simple, but I like them!
A note regarding Beta Blogger: None of the comments are coming back anonymous anymore! Maybe the whole thing just needed to settle in. It is all working fine.
I don't think your tree is dorky in anyway. I think it is a tremendous way to show off those trinkets that would otherwise collect dust. You did a tremendous on it. The table toppers are cute too.
Oh Marcie, I love your tree AND your mini quilty!! :) I do hope you have a wonderful trip to Arizona for the Holidays...when do you leave?
I love your table top quilties! What size are they finishing?
Your Christmas tree with the special ornaments is wonderful. It is one-of-a-kind, homemade with love, and filled with mementos - just exactly how a Christmas tree should be.
Cute wallhanging. Maybe that's what since we don't always put up a tree either because of traveling. This year I'll be in Minnesota instead of you for Christmas and we won't have a tree in the temporary apartment either. Maybe I need to buy one of those mini artificial ones just to have some holiday spirit.
What a great way to decorate your tree!
I love the little quiltlets. Those are great gifts. Decorating the tree that way looks great, too! What a good idea.
The tree is a great idea, too often we hide momentoes away, it's nice you have them out on display, and the little table quilty is lovely.
What a clever way to add that special touch to your cute little tree. Very good idea! I also like your little quilties, what a great way to use up scraps and make some easy gifts at the same time!
Love your tree - great idea! And, your little quilties are darling. Great gift idea!
Cute three and cute table topper :-)
Marcie, I wouldn't call the wall hanging dorky or hokey - I'd call it WONDERFUL! What a great way to display all those keepsakes. And a fabulous substitute for a real tree.
It sounds like you will have a fabulous holiday. Those little quilts you are making for gifts are perfect. I certainly hope the receipients appreciate them appropriately. I know I'd love to receive something like this.
The tree is beautiful and so is the table topper. How big is it? Hope you get a lovely holiday with your family.
I absolutely love that tree! I'm working on a really basic tree shaped table topper and now I think I'm going to go digging through my button box so I can decorate it. What a fantastic idea!
What a cute Christmas tree. Not dorky at all. A good way to have a tree without all the work of having a tree, and a great way to show off your momentos and "ornaments".
Your table top quilt is great! I love this idea! And - perfect use of small momentos that always DO seem to end up in drawers - the tree decorations are a perfect match. Like you, I am always away at Christmas so have not put up my own tree in years, although I have a small collection of crystal ones I enjoy - they are small and easy to move!
Ilove the quilt. I have a real weakness for dishes. Your Christmas ones are someofmy favorites.
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