Look what my friend in California sent me! WOOL! She has been into wool for a long time, way before it was the rage. And she has bought tons of it at garage sales in the form of old blankets. That is what she sent me--big pieces of thick, wool blankets! What can I do with it? I'm thinking, I'm thinking... It is such wonderful wool! You will have to come back often because it may take a while for me to make something. But I will, and it will be really cute!
If you saw my cute little turkey pincushion a few days ago, I mentioned a chicken pincushion kit that I also purchased. Well, here she is, all stitched together!
I just love this little thing! As I mentioned previously, the designer works at The Quilted Apple in Phoenix and makes them exclusively for that shop. I told her she needs to write a book! She wasn't too interested, but I warned her that after my blogging friends see these everyone will want them.
If you saw my cute little turkey pincushion a few days ago, I mentioned a chicken pincushion kit that I also purchased. Well, here she is, all stitched together!

One more comment about the Memory Foam. Everyone seems to be interested in it. I think that is the stuff that you "apply directly to the forehead"! Maybe that is what Kim was trying in that photo of her below. She doesn't look too pleased with the results.
Have a great weekend everyone!
OK, Marcie, my DH has some of that stuff, "Rub On" for headaches and he says it works. You think it will help me?
Cute chicken.
Gee, Now what can you do with that WOOL?
OK, Marcie, my DH has some of that stuff, "Rub On" for headaches and he says it works. You think it will help me?
Cute chicken.
Gee, Now what can you do with that WOOL?
Baa-baa black sheep, have you any wool? LOL!
OOOOh you are so lucky. I love wool. I have a bunch from when I braided rugs that I bought by the pound. I needed another color a little while ago for a wool applique project and NONE of places I bought at before have it anymore. I had to spend a lot to buy a tiny piece at a quilt shop.
What a great gift - and such a nice variety of colours.
Your pincushions turned out really cute! I live near the Quilted Apple and visit once in a while...it's nice to hear happy comments from someone out-of-town about a local shop for a change!
Love both of the pincushion, but especially the chicken! That wool is going to be something really special in the not too distant future, I predict. :-)
Aren't you a lucky lady! I love the pincushions....so cute!
Now that's a lot of wool, girl. Get going on something...quick!
Love the little pin cushion!
That headache commercial gives me a headache *s*
Oh my gosh! I NEED that chicken pincushion! I loved your little turkey so much that I made a wool pincushion for myself this weekend - I"ll post it maybe tomorrow. But now, after seeing the chicken - I NEED a chicken one! I love it! Mine is really boring now compared to yours!
Cute cute little chickie!
Cute pincushion! Can't wait to see what you do with ALL that wool.
Now that is a great way to collect wool! Just this past weekend at a church bazaar, I bought a cotton tablecloth for $.50 that I will be able to cut up and put away in my stash.
I absolutely loved The Quilted Apple for over 25 years, under Laurene Sinema's ownership. She was such a good friend and mentor. I haven't been back more than a couple of times since she died. I'm glad they are still doing wonderful things, though!
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