Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008
We had a lovely Christmas and now it is over and we can relax! Today is our 41st wedding anniversary! We are not into big celebrations, but every year is a milestone, and I am grateful to have had a good and loyal companion for all these years. And he is funny too! To me, that is priceless!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Paula at A Latte Quilts tagged me to play a game. Here are the four simple rules:
*Go to the fourth photo file on your computer
*Choose the fourth picture in that file
*post it and explain
*tag four people to do the same
Here is evidence that I am not very good at following rules. What fun would it be if I actually chose the 4th picture, etc? Boring, according to my photo file. So I was just reading my granddaughter's blog and found this photo, above, of my granddaughter. She just had her wisdom teeth out and needed to do something creative with them. You can't just let them go to waste! Now with that I feel the need to ask, why are they called "wisdom teeth"? Doesn't this picture say it all?
If you have a ridiculous photo that you would like to share, consider yourself tagged! That is my new adaptation of the rules! I would love to hear back from you so I can see what you posted, but I won't make that a rule. You would just laugh and ignore me like all those sick e-mails I get that promise me good luck for the rest of my life if I pass the e-mail on to ten people within 30 seconds.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
This sweet little guy is from Sweden. They call him Tomte! He belonged to my Swedish mother-in-law and I am lucky enough to have him now. He has always been a favorite! His face really looks like he has spent a lot of time in the cold outdoors! Now any of you Swedes out there feel free to enlighten me.
I guess I have a thing for gingerbreadmen. I cross stitched this pillow quite a few years ago. I think the pattern was in a magazine. Just thought I would share it with you as it is one of the few things I get out at Christmas. You must think I am a big humbug, but we are never here at Christmas. Someday I will decorate again!
In spite of the fact that we never decorate, I do love making things for Christmas. I showed a picture of a mitten I made in my last post, then I got on a roll and made more. I just noticed that the kitty doesn't have his snowflake on. It is amazing what a difference these little details make! The little trees and birds are from my mother's collection of trinkets. I think she would be happy to see that I am using them. And the mittens are from old wool blankets.
Everything has been mailed and all that is left for me to do is clean the house (somewhat) and pack. Then we are off to the nice warm climate of Arizona! We have someone staying at our house while we are gone, so that is good too. I will be reading blogs as best I can from my son's house, but for now let me say, as I ride out of sight,
Thursday, December 04, 2008

Christmas Kisses and Good Wishes to one and all!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Really, I don't deck the halls much any more because we always go to Arizona for Christmas. But I do have a few favorites that I like to get out. I LOVE my Santas! My dear and talented friend, Kathy, has made these for me over the years. When we lived in Seattle she made the Santa in the yellow slicker with the fishing pole and the fish. These are all hand made with paper mache. The Santa in the back holds all kinds of sewing objects, including a little sewing machine, scissors and fabric bundles on his back. His face is paper mache and his boots are furry, etc. The faces that Kathy makes are so detailed and beautiful! I hope these all click to open larger so you can see the detail.
I had to photograph the back of these guys as well. Look at the posture on the center Santa. It is so real! I have no idea where she comes up with all these little detail items, but she is a collector of grand scale, and finds things that many of us would pass right by.
Now as for little ol' me, I keep my activities quite simple. Last year my friend Kathy sent me a box of old wool blanket pieces. So now I am making these cute little woolly mittens. I was all over Michaels the other day looking for little things to stuff in these mittens. I found a few things, but I found the best stuff at home in a box of craft items from my mom's huge reservoir of things. I saved some of it after she passed away and now I wish I had saved more. All these little items are so old and forsaken. Chipped paint and discolored felt, etc. In other words, just perfect for all the shabby chic, primitive stuff we love!