Yesterday I spent the afternoon at What’s Your Stitch ‘N Stuff, our local quilt shop, where I teach classes. They had an open house to promote fall classes. I always enjoy those because I am able to see what other teachers are doing, meet friends and promote my classes, etc. (Plus, they have refreshments!) One gal, Bobbi Case, brought in a couple quilts she made from my patterns. I will picture one of them here, because I just showed you my version a couple days ago. Scroll back and see Quilt Jam, or click
http://patchalotmore.blogspot.com/2006/09/quilt-jam.html You may have missed it because I wrote it, then saved it, then posted the Lily entry, then edited the Quilt Jam entry. So when I posted it, it came up before the Lily entry, and was dated the same day, when, in fact, I posted it on Friday, 9-8. Ah well. So—isn’t Bobbi’s quilt beautiful?! All pinks and browns-it is luscious!
I am writing this in Word and hoping I can copy and paste it into my blog. Behold, I get paragraphs!
All this talk about copyright issues-
Finn mentioned it again. I just want to add that I agree with her, in that I think most of us are in it because we love it. And I don’t know about the quiltmakers and designers that are “big time”, but I can tell you, I feel good if I cover my expenses, and I NEVER could get compensated for my time. It is just like making quilts—you know how people always ask how much you charge for a quilt? You couldn’t pay me what it is worth to me, but if I love you, I will give it to you; or donate it to a good cause, as so many do. Even though I design quilts for classes and so forth, I buy plenty of books and patterns by other designers. There is sooo much talent out there! And, like I mentioned about Sally Schneider in my earlier entry, I bet most of them are just like us and happy to share. Has anybody ever heard of a lawsuit regarding quilt designs? Stay tuned for your next episode of LAW AND ORDER!