Yesterday my husband heard a drilling noise and wondered what it was. It stopped, but then when I went to bed last night I heard what sounded like a drilling noise also. It seemed to be coming from the ceiling fan in the bathroom. Again, it stopped, so I went to bed. Early this morning the noise resumed. It was 5:00 am when my husband and I both jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom where that drilling noise had begun again with a vengeance! What on earth is that noise? It sounded like a motor of some sort, as every now and then it made a revving sound. Since we couldn't locate where the noise was coming from, I suggested that my husband go to the fuse box and start flipping switches. From his cell phone he called to see if the noise had abated. It had not! He even flipped the master switch to the whole house in an effort to make it stop, to no avail! Our house was now totally devoid of any electrical power, but the drilling noise continued in the dark.
We were stumped. Where in the heck was that noise coming from? It kind of sounded like a dentist's drill, oddly enough. It was almost like a smoke alarm, but not as shrill. An alarm clock buried in the wall? A non-stop woodpecker? A bunch of riled up bees? Aliens in the attic?
My husband was thinking that it might cause an electrical fire, though with no electricity, that seemed implausible. It seemed that our only recourse was to pull the cabinet off the wall in the bathroom and cut a hole in the wall. We needed to get to the bottom of this, as the noise continued on for 40 minutes now.
I began unloading the cabinet seen above of all the normal bathroom accoutrements; all the bottles and basics found in most bathrooms. In one jar I store extra toothbrushes. As I picked it up it vibrated in my hand! I almost dropped it! What the heck?

I can't help but try and think up slogans for this toothbrush. How about, "A Real Self-Starter"! Or "Beware of operating while under the influence". "Start without me", is a good one. My favorite however, is "Oral B Quiet"!
Seriously folks, out of the jar this toothbrush purrs like a kitten. You may have one in your home. If you do, let me offer a word of advice. Don't keep it in a jar. Let it roam free!