Who is this cute girl, you may be asking? Well, her name is Karen, from Short Story Long, and she blogs from Colorado. I don't know much about her, but I can tell you she likes RED, which gives us immediate common ground. Also, she just awarded me the Brilliante award that you now see glowing on my sidebar. So she is cute and has an apparent degree of discernment. She also has three little boys who are quite accident prone, as little boys are wont to be. I have heard that the emergency room at her local hospital has a daily appointment set for her family and once in a while she calls to say they won't be in that day. She is also a quilter, but frankly, when does a mother of three have the luxury of sitting down long enough for something like that? Go visit her and see what I mean!
So thank you Karen, for the very nice compliment of this award. I have so many brilliant blogger friends out there that I can't really chose, and I think if you read my blog you must be brilliant!
Now if I may, I feel the need to interject the fact that I have several Karens who are kind enough to leave me comments, and I am having a heck of a time determining who is who. Would it be too much to ask you to add an initial or part of your blog title to you name? Say maybe, "Primitive Karen", or "Short Karen", or "LC Karen", etc. Just a thought.
Have a happy day!

Hi Marcie,
I'm having the same problem at my blog! I can't always tell who is commenting so I am constantly looking at their profiles to make sure I have it right! I think it's my memory that's going..... Blessings, marlene stitchinbythelake
Marcie, I'm blushing! Or maybe it's the red glow from my blog page. Anyway, thank you for the kind comments; I did laugh out loud about the ER. You got that right!
"Short" Karen :)
One of these days I'll figure out how to get my picture on my comments ?
Marcie, please, I am sure I am the only Karen in the world. However, to pretend I am a team player, I have changed my name to sewprimitive karen, so there!
How about Kims? Have many of us? 'Cause I'm thinking if you're getting confused, I could be "tall and incredibly sexy and toned Kim." Just let me know if that would help.
Hi Marcie, Karen aka Grammy Mac here. If you have time, check out Joanna's blog @ appliquetoday.blogspot.com. She was just out visiting and got some goodies from the Corn Wagon. As for the Karen thing... I have to tell all of the other Karen's out there that I just love their name;)and as for Kim, I have a daughter named Kim and stitchingbythelake, I wish I was there.
What a excellent idea on the name thing, I do get confused sometimes. Maybe I could be Snippets Wendy...teehee.
Congratulations on your well-deserved award. You crack me up with your brilliant sense of humor.
Hi Marcie,
I have never left a comment on your blog before but I've been reading it and loving it for ages. Your quilts are so lovely - I made the Christmas table topper and since I can't attatch a picture to to comment I guess I better post it on my own blog. Thanks for all the inspiration!!!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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