Also, if you click over to Karen's blog you can see a beautiful quilt that a customer at Little Quilts made with my Williamsburg Medallion pattern! By the way, Karen has designed some darling punch-needle patterns that she is selling on her website, Folkart Children And if you haven't seen her Primitive Children, you really must take a look. The girl has talent!

The ship is a model of the Susan B. Constant, one of the three ships that sailed from England in 1607. They actually came ashore right down the road from where I live. When they found the James River (I am sure the Indians didn't call it that) they sailed up it and established a fort at what later became Jamestown. Both named after King James, of course.
We went on board the ship and walked around. Let me tell you it is so smal
l! Those poor people were on board for four months!!! A year ago my friend, Joan, loaned me a really good book written by one of the descendants of a Jamestown family. The book is Dark Enough to see the Stars in a Jamestown Sky, by Connie Lapallo. I tired to order it from Amazon, but they didn't have it. I was so pleased to be able to find it in one of the gift shops up there. I had to have my own copy! The book tells the story of the women and children and how they survived (or didn't). Very interesting!

So that was my excitement for the week. Next post I promise something quilty. I have been sewing! Until then, have a happy, scrappy day!
Okay, now you're making it too easy for me so I had to order that Wintergreen pattern and My Happy Place. How nice to have your son home for a visit. He's a cutie!
Hi, Marcie, thank you for mention of me in this post :-). I've been getting PayPal orders too and am very happy to receive them. Your son is very handsome; all of you Patches are quite handsome! I loved where you said the Indians probably didn't call the river The James, so had to google it: Wikipedia says they called it the Powhatan River
but I wonder if that was only after they heard the English calling it after somebody THEY knew lol.
So it really is that easy? I should get "with it" and do the PayPal too. Can't hurt, right?
Glad to see pics of you and more of your family!
Look at you - all 21st century with a PayPal account *S* Looks like it's time to shop!
Looks like you had fun in JAmestown.Loved the apron on the "Beckster".
Looks like a great book. I love stories like that about real-life experiences in history.
How nice to get your site setup for Paypal.
Can you believe how small those boats were back in the day?? It's been a while since I've been to Jamestown - I don't ever seem to get out that much these days when I'm in VA visiting Mom.
Congrats on getting Paypal. I'm glad to hear it is working for you. Sounds like you had a nice visit with your son. It must be great to be that close to so many historic sites.
Is your son going to BYU or UVCU? I live about 90 minutes from Provo.
I am excited you have paypal now.
Happy Mama!! Glad you squeezed in a visit with your son, aren't they always too far away when they're not at home? Congrats on your PayPal account.
Oh how cool that you had a nice visit and some fun site seeing! Once again I"m back home from my mom's and am trying to get back into the swing. I did get to the ocean this time on my trip! It was great!
I want to say what Mrs. Goodneedle said above!
that's so fun that Renn came, it was great to have him here too, but it sounds like i'm the only one who missed out on virginia this year!
oh, did i tell you? one of my good friends just left for his mission to Virginia, and virginia beach is in his area!
keep a look-out for an elder holley.
oh. that last comment was from becky.
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