This darling little quilt with the bird in the center is what Lea, my Japanese blogger buddy, created using my Medallion Doll Quilt pattern! She is so talented! I know lots of you have discovered her blog and her charming personality, but if you haven't been there, please go visit! You will be happy that you did! So many cute things to see!

I have been watching for this Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazine to come out and I finally got it last night at the quilt shop. I do buy this magazine often, and I love it, and this issue has Tazzie's Sister's Choice quilt in it! (Click that link to see her quilt) Yea TAZZIE! I love Tazzie's designs because she uses lots of scraps in very creative ways. If you read her blog you already know that. OK , here is the thing that drives me nuts about that magazine: It doesn't give us a date or year on the cover, or inside. It says Volume 16 Number 7. There are usually a few different issues in stock and I never can tell which is most current. I never know if I missed an issue. It's just a minor little irk. I think it is a great magazine, and I LOVE knowing that cute little Aussie designer they have!

Yay, Tazzie! And Lea's quilt makes me want to make one of those, it is so dear. Thank you for mentioning me, too, Marcie, so nice of you! I have my eye on your Cotillion quilt actually.
I'm so with you on the magazine. I love it too but hate the way they date them. I went so far as to send them an email asking why they do this and if there is a way to decipher "the code." Of course, as expected, they never responded. Can anyone answer this question?
Lea is such a nice blogger buddy. She was one of the first to talk to me when I started and I LOVE her style!
Karen has a wonderful blog too! It is on my regular visit list :o)
I have found with that magazine if you look near the barcode or where they have the volume number it will say the month and the year.
I haven't looked closely at this years yet but other years do have it.
Hope this helps :0)
Hi there Marcie hon, thank you so much for the big write up, you're such a honey. We're like a mutual admiration society :-)
I had a look at my magazine, and the picture you shared of your magazine, and it would seem that whoever put the sticker with the price and the issue on your magazine has actually covered over where it says the month and the year on mine. How frustrating for you!
I can tell you that the magazine is the March 2008 issue ... but I guess that's not going to help you in the future. I think they've put the sticker there because on my magazine it says in the US it costs 9.95, so the price must be wrong.
Anyways, thank you once again hon!
Your irk and my irk is the same irk re: Australian Patchwork and Quilting, I've taken to labeling mine myself with an address label and a penned-in date. I'll have to look for this issue, thanks for the heads up!
When I see blogs like yours, I get really happy! Quilting is so fun and beautiful.
Hey, since you love quilting, I thought you might like to watch this video I found online about quilters down in Texas.
It's an inspiring video to me because it's about donating quilts to really good causes to raise money for children and soldiers over seas.
The link is:
Hope you enjoy it!
Heidi :)
I love Lea's medallion! Doesn't she just make the best things!
Thank you for the very nice compliment about me and my quilt, Marcie!
I went to see Tazzie's blog and OMG! That quilt is absolutely gorgeous!
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