I am back, tho not so much "in action" as I would like. Once again I finished up my trip with a flu bug. Fortunately it didn't hit me until after the wedding. Unfortunately I was in Arizona at my son's house and never left the house the whole week I was there. Now I am home trying to generate some enthusiasm for anything! I seem to be very fond of my bed, but even that has grown old. All that aside, and even in my weakened condition, I was able to complete a plethora of Flying Geese for two different quilts I am working on. I took scraps with me and just sort of sat slumped at the sewing machine making one after another without having to use any of my groggy brain. Are you feeling sorry for me yet? I didn't think so.
When I became weakened to the point of not being able to sew any longer, I went into the yard and lay prone before the Arizona Sun God, praying for deliverance. Then back into the house for a Diet Coke and that was as good as it got. Seriously, I am not that sick, just tired and have that old nagging cough that lasts forever.
Today is my last day of taking it easy. I am catching up on my blog and then will catch up on my TV shows that are recorded on my DVD. Tomorrow I WILL get moving! Let me share this final wedding shot with any interested parties. Becky and Travis ride bikes all over, and so his parents arranged to have a bicycle built for two at the wedding reception all decorated! Becky's dad found this darling clip-art that he reproduced on water bottles and candy covers. After the reception the bride and groom rode off on the bike while everyone waved and blew bubbles! It was very cute!
The wedding! It was Saturday, October 10, 2009, at the LDS Mt. Timpanogos Temple. It is a beautiful temple nestled in the foothills in American Fork, Utah. The bride, Rebeccah Froelich, is shown here with her beautiful mother (my daughter) and her sisters, Lisa Tsang, Kathryn and Mary. Oh these pictures are all scrambled, so I will try to give you some details of the past week. Above is the quilt I made for Becky's wedding. I actually made it a few years ago and never had it quilted. When she announced her wedding I decided that this would be a lovely wedding quilt. Rosemary Skinner, a local quilter, did a beautiful job on the quilting. I got a lot of compliments on the quilt at the LQS, and I am happy with the way it turned out. I hope Becky loves it too. The pattern was in a magazine, I think McCall's Quilting, a few years back.
This photo shows Becky and Travis Pitcher in the center, with Becky's parents, Polly and Chris, on each side. Everyone is glowing with happiness! It was a good day! The photo above shows Becky with her two short grandmothers! Me, and Mary Brandt of St. Michael, MN, both quilters! I know Mary made Becky a quilt also, but I haven't seen it yet.
There are more photos, but this gives you a quick view of the big event. This photo shows my husband, and my pregnant daughter-in-law, Keira, and her husband, my son, Renn. They were married earlier this year and are expecting in December. Look at those beautiful bright mountains. That is the view from my son's backyard. I haven't pent any time in Utah in many years and it was really nice to be there. The weather was lovely--sunny and cool, but not cold. We enjoyed seeing friends and cousins that I haven't seen in a very long time. Everything was lovely and I am happy that it is over! Now I am at my son Matt's house in Mesa, AZ. It is beautiful here this time of year and I have more relatives to visit. The fun never stops!
Thank you to all you nice friends and your kind words in my last post regarding my husband's sister. I haven't had a chance to visit everyone yet, but will begin trying to do that. Michele's comment about sunshine and shadows certainly describes what life is all about. We know quilts that follow that plan, but I never applied the term to life's joys and sorrows before. It is so applicable. More later!
Joy and sorrow have taken their measure this week. First our sorrow at the passing of my husband's 51 year old sister, Liz Armbruster, of Simpsonville, SC. It was a shock to all of us. She suffered a brain aneurysm and quickly left us. She and her husband had six children, two are seniors in high school, two in college, two working and not living at home. We are suffering from the shock of it, as she seemed to be in perfect health. You just never know, and that is the truth. I won't dwell on this, as you don't know her, but there is no shortage of reminders to cherish each day and love those around you. When this type of shock comes into my life I am like a mother hen and I want to gather my chicks around me, for their sake or my own I do not know.
Now for our regularly scheduled program before I share the good news. Saturday night I took a class for this quilt, Western Sun. I signed up for it three weeks ago, and at the time I thought, "what are you thinking?" (Do you ever think, "what are you thinking?"?) The class was from 6:00 to midnight. I figured I would leave early, but wouldn't you know it, there was a magnetic pull to my sewing machine, perhaps brought on by the Western Sun as it dropped out of sight. I stayed till midnight and really enjoyed working of this project, as well as visiting with everyone.
I first saw this design in Barbara Brackman's book, Butternut and Blue. I loved it! I always hoped to make it one day. That is why, when it was offered as a class, I jumped at the chance. Well I ask you, could you have resisted? Above is our delightful teacher, Sue Troyan. Sue teaches lots of different classes and is always a hit. She works magic with reproduction fabrics, and this quilt surely demonstrates that. Sue also has unlimited skills and techniques up her sleeve and energetically shares them in class. So now you see I have succumbed once again to diving into another project. If you ask how many I have in the works I could not honestly tell you. But this one I could not resist, and if I could I would sew madly on it for a couple weeks, BUT, I have other news!
My darling granddaughter Becky, (remember Becky who stayed with us last summer?) is getting married Saturday, October 10, in the L.D.S. Mt. Timpanogos Temple in American Fork, Utah. I am leaving tomorrow, flying into the Western Sun, for Utah! We are all in a tizzy getting everything lined up for the big event.
So I am ending this post on a happy note. We live, we love and hopefully we find happiness and share it with those we encounter along the way. I will be back in a week or so with photos!