Saturday, September 29, 2007

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
I borrowed this photo from someone on line. It is in Virginia Beach, where I live. The birds are pelicans, if you didn't know. We see them often around here. One day my husband and I watched as they flew into the water and swooped up fish. So fun to watch nature being natural. Unless, like my friend Pat, you have elk in your garden! She lives in Washington State though, not here. If you want to see a picture of an elk laughing at her, go to her blog. She is doing some wonderful photography now, but she is the one who got me quilting and taught me everything I know. Or tried to! She is an amazing quilter and has been asked to speak and teach at the quilt guild in Bremerton next June. If you live around there you should go! Tell her I sent you.
Tomorrow, Sept. 11, I am going to Arizona for two weeks. I stop in Atlanta and have a three hour layover, so I am hoping to spend a little time with my daughter who lives there. Then on to Mesa, AZ to see my Dad and other family. My son lives there also. I know I will have stories to tell about my grandchildren there. My 11 year old granddaughter called me yesterday to ask a question. She said, "I got out your sewing machine to work on a few things." I can hear the machine going in the background, and asked if she had on headphones. "No, the phone is tucked under my chin" she says! I asked what she was working on and she said she was sewing all her dad's boxer shorts closed in the front. OK.
Aside from visiting my loved ones, I will be feasting on Mexican food every chance I get! Tia Rosa, I am coming!
Friday, September 07, 2007

I added a new tutorial to my sidebar list. Wendy did a really nice one on applique using starch. It is a great method! I have actually used it myself with great results. Check out her blog, Snippets of a Quilter!
Thursday, September 06, 2007

By the way, Tazzie has a photo of her newest class project on her blog. It is really darling. You should go take a look! She also used Judie Rothermel's fabric, but from a different fabric line. She used Charm Squares and gives big hints on how to make it.
I am going to cut this short and get some work done around the house today. I am not happy about it, but my maid hasn't shown up here since, well, ever. So here I am, quilt designer turned house cleaner. I read recently someones opinion that quilt teachers are nothing more than glorified housewives. I think it was supposed to be an insult, but really I wonder if that person thinks that housewives and homemakers should never do anything else? Why do people feel the need to denigrate housewives and mothers? I say YOU TRY AND DO IT! I always loved being a housewife and mother. I like to use the term "homemaker" because it sounds like it describes someone who creates a special place--home! But you can't hurt my feelings calling me a housewife. It's a good working description. Although of late I am more of a retired housewife! But I did my time with the kids and the canning and the cleaning, and the laughing and the loving and the laundry. Not always pleasant, sometimes annoying, but very rewarding, and I wouldn't trade it for the world! And guess what? I can do other stuff too!
Sunday, September 02, 2007