Have you seen the book CIVIL WAR DIARY QUILT? A local shop is starting a class series using this book. There are stories and six inch blocks that go with each story. It should be fun. I jumped the gun and made two of the blocks. Many of the blocks are very strange and look tricky. I tried easy ones! I have been playing with scraps today. I had half-square triangles left from my toile project (below) so am trying to use them up in a tote bag. I think I have just enough fabric left to do it. I will post it later when completed. (Isn't that opptimistic of me?)
I have the book and love it. I'm really trying hard to finish UFO's before starting something new - other than the scrap busting top I'm working on now. One of these days!
I'm off to see if the library has this book.
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