Now for the happy stuff! I began making the Cheri Payne Everyday Patchwork blocks and finished them all before I came back to Virginia. I love them! The directions are still on her blog. Scroll back to May 2015. She also has a darling little patriotic quilt on her blog now with the directions.

The other project I was pushing to finish is a Jan Patek design called Homespun Hearth. Altho the book is on Jan's website, it is still out of stock. Finally Karen- Log Cabin Quilter, offered me her book and so I got busy.
I have a tendency to change things and so my version is quite different from Jan's. I am pretty happy with it!
I like to fill spaces and decided that mine needed a dragonfly and a bird on the chimney, etc.
Another little project that I really got excited about was another Cheri Payne design. Again, mine got changed a bit. That seems to happen as I work and use different techniques, don't follow directions, or whatever.
So you can see that I have been keeping busy the past few months. You can just think of me stichin' and itchin'!!
Marcie, that sounds really bad! I'm glad you are seeing some relief--wish it would speed up!
Love your projects. You have been busy, in spite of everything, and your "little touches" are delightful. : )
I’m sitting here itching just thinking about it! My one and only bout with poison ivy was just a few years ago. Never again!!! (I can hope anyway.) :-) Glad it is getting better for you. It’s such a slow process.
Ugh - poison ivy/oak is the worst! I get them so easily, I think a lot of times from the dogs. People who have not had it do not understand! Hope it clears up soon - the steroids should definitely help. Love all of your little quilts - all adorable!
So sorry to hear about the Poison Ivy! I have had it terribly in the past. When I went to the doctor and she asked if I wanted the shot or the pills, I said BOTH! I have found an allergy spray at Walmart (their EQUATE brand) that has been the most helpful for relieving the itch. It is in a green and white spray can. Hope this helps.
Marcie So sorry about your bout with poison Ivy. I had to laugh at the title of your blog post, Itching and Stitching. Not funny though when you are the one it is happening to. I don't have allergies but my dog does and he drives me crazy with the itching the Dr. finally gave him a shot and Prednisone it has worked wonders for him. Hope you are better soon. Your blog is one of my favorites, I always enjoy reading it. I love your projects. I wish I could feel comfortable about changing my projects like you do, but no I have to do what the pattern says. Feel better soon.
All your projects are so cute--love your versions of all of them! I hope your poison ivy heals up quickly--it's the worst! I usually have to do two courses of Prednisone before it gets kicked out of my system. I am highly allergic to poison ivy and when I had my first encounter with it, I treated it with calamine. Turns out I am also allergic to that, so I ended up in the hospital. I usually got it from my cat, who apparently like to stroll through the ivy patches in the woods. She would sit on my lap and I would pet her--you can imagine the rest of the story!
Find some yarrow salve. If you have a whole foods or health food store in your area they'll carry it. Otherwise you can find it online. There is an etsy seller called Lizzy Lane Farms that sells it. Best stuff in the world for bug bites and poison ivy.
Your encounter with poison ivy sounds so nasty!! I hope it completely heals soon! You've been doing so much lovely stitching :0)
Hope your itchin' goes away soon so you can really enjoy your stitchin'. You've been finishing up some adorable pieces.
Oh dear Marcie - sorry to hear of your troubles! I've been learning a bit about essential oils lately and this might be some good information for you
Your stitching projects are so special - I love them all!
Bless your heart; so sorry to learn of your tangle with the less-than-friendly poison oak! What a horrible reaction you've had. The quilts and blocks that you've shared are wonderful. I am going to check out those Eeveryday Patchwork blocks of Cheri's right now. Wishing you itch-free days to come; the stitchin' can continue though. ;) Hugs~
I sympathize on the poison ivy. I too have suffered horribly from it. I find Aveeno's stress relief bubble bath helps soothe it a bit. Becky in Texas (formerly Georgia).
I hope you are on the mend! I adore each project you are working on.
Sorry for you. I ran into poison ivy years ago when seven month's pregnant and could have NOTHING. We were camping and it was pure misery. I can't even walk past the stuff without breaking out. Get better soon. I see Rembrandt the cat when reading your blog. I think of Karen M. often. Could you give us an update on how he is doing sometime in your blog. Get better quickly
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