Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Fusion-It's Not Just Nuclear Anymore

Seems like I have been hearing the word fusion in regard to a lot of things lately. Fusion of color, fusion of music, even a car has been named the Ford Fusion.  It has left me a little baffled. I turned to the internet and googled fusion. Listed was everything from fusion beads, fusion ink, and fusion hair extensions. When I was a kid I am pretty sure there was only one kind of fusion. Only one that I remember anyway. I clicked on good old Wikipedia, which can give you the answer to just about everything. Just as I suspected, Wikipedia went straight to nuclear fusion, and describes it as the process in which two or more atomic nuclei join together, or "fuse", to form a single heavier nucleus. This is usually accompanied by the release or absorption of large quantities of energyHey, I could use some of that! Energy, that is. 

Today I sat down to the computer and looked for the foot pedal. I immediately thought, fusion. My two most oft attended occupations are trying to fuse into one. I wasn't too concerned, I was able to open the computer and type without the use of the foot pedal. In fact, I even felt kind of cool that I could use the word fusion in this modern way. It wasn't until later that I wondered if fusion is the root for another word, "confusion". 

Nah, that is just plain silly. Plus, I like the idea of my interests fusing together. You know, like EQ!


sewprimitive karen said...

When I walk up to my front door, I have an urge to hold up my car remote to it to unlock it. I am fusing, too.

Yvonne said...

You are so funny!

Lori said...

LOL! You are too funny!!!

Anonymous said...

Just this morning..con"fusion" here. We have a remote for the tv, fan, and gas logs. I wondered what was wrong with the gas logs when they wouldn't light. LOL

AnnieO said...

Ha ha ha! I actually do fuse those two things since I do medical transcription (I spell for a living!). And since I also love to sew, I use a footpedal a LOT. My right ankle is the most flexible part of me :)