After driving for two long days from Minnesota to Virginia, my daughter has arrived with three of her children. I wasn't sure when they were leaving, so when Plumpkin, age 3, called me on the phone I asked her if she was driving. "No", she says, "my mom is. I am sitting in the back in my carseat". Oh my gosh, she is so funny!
They haven't been to visit us for a couple of years, so we have been excited to have them come. Daughter and 16 year old granddaughter went sh
opping today for new swimming suits and came back with really cutes ones from Macy's. The 10 year old grandson sat glued to the TV all day. He doesn't get to watch much TV at home, so he is quite mesmerized with it. Three year old Plumpkin is another case entirely. She is so quick. Her little feet move as quickly as her little brain. We sat on the deck and read a couple books. That was very pleasant. The Poky Little Puppy nevers gets old! Have you noticed? I have been reading that story since I was a child, I am sure. Well, after that she decided it would be nice to have a tea party. We went to the garage and pulled out a box of little dishes and cups that haven't been used in many, many years. We went to the kitchen and she stood on the kitchen chair while we washed the
dishes and dried them. I decided to take a quick bathroom break, and hear Plumpkin telling me through the door that she is going to break some eggs for our tea party. "No, No, No! Wait just a minute"! I hustled back to the kitchen and she is holding two large white eggs in her hands, telling me she is going to crack them now. I talked her into putting them back in the carton, and explained that they were very fragile. We took our little tea party out to the deck, complete with Diet Coke in our tea cups, and Rice Chexx on a tiny plate. She cautioned me to be careful because the little cups were "very fragile". I guess she decided that she liked that word, and has used it several times today. She also engaged me in a discussion of birds and eggs, and wondered if the bird families were sad that someone ate their eggs. "They sit on their eggs to keep them warm until they get patched". I keep trying to explain that the eggs get hatched and not patched, but so far she is sticking to her story.

I think it is safe to say that I will be quite busy for the next little while, and loving every minute of it!
If im in the situation of the owner of this blog. I dont know how to post this kind of topic. he has a nice idea.
hahahahaha! oh i miss them!
i love kathryn telling you she's going to crack eggs.
Your little Plumpkin is too cute, and you're right... she's smart, too. Enjoy these days, they'll pass much too quickly! Have fun, Marcie!
Oh how cute! They all sound like keepers!
What fun!!! Enjoy those kids-- they grow up so fast. I still remember tea parties with Chelsey....and tea parties with my Mom.
Your grands are gorgeous! Enjoy your visit, it sounds like you'll be kept on your toes!
What delightful smiling faces! ENJOY!!!
Plumpkin is so precious!!! 3 is the best number to be! Our three granddaughters are a reward for raising 2 sons! They are so precious.
It is just the truth that kids say the darnedest things . . . I hope you all have a wonderful time - lots of hugs, kisses and giggles!
Marcie--have a ball! You will be thoroughly exhausted and beyond happy by the time the visit is over. R and I go to see L, B and the kidlets over the 4th, so I am storing energy in advance!!
Oh they are so cute! Boy o boy, Miss Plumpkin sounds like a smart little girl! Love your story. She sure is adorable.
Enjoy your visit!
Enjoy your family visit! Little kids are sooo literal and their answers are very logical to them - my son cracks me up all the time too!
I love this post! The little one is going to be entertaining you the whole time they're there I bet. Precious children....
Hi Marcie, enjoy your time with your grandchildren. Three is such a magic age. Out of the mouths of babes, life certainly will not be dull for you.Warmest Regards Lyn
Wow, you're going to have a houseful when Jennie and Laura get there! (Maybe you won't notice if I sent a couple more of my kids!)
Hi Marcie, looks like the summer if off to a grand start! Lucky you to have visiting grandchildren!!!
The quilt is gorgeous, but then, they ALL are...awesome job! Hugs, Finn
What a cute tea party story!
The liitle one saying 'patched' for hatched is a born quilter! My daughter once asked how chickens get around after theit legs are taken off to fry.
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