Happy New Year to blogging friends near and far. I am still in Arizona and enjoying time with my family. Christmas was great and so nice to have both my sons here, as well as my son's wife and the kids, my Dad, sister, aunts and uncles, etc. My daughters were both missing and were both missed. I sure love them all! It is difficult to get the whole family together in one place very often as we are so spread out across the country.
December 26 my husband and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. If I was home I would find an old picture of us when we were young and cute. I actually still think he is pretty cute! We are the epitome of the couple who has nothing in common except the kids. Somehow we have stuck together through all kinds of weather. He has actually become sweeter and more sentimental as time goes by. But I really think it is the laughter and the ability to not take things too seriously that has held us together. I always say it was the first twenty years that was the most difficult! LOL! He is already back home and going to work to pay for the lifestyle in which I have become so accustomed. What a gem!
January 2nd is my birthday. Another day that can go unnoticed, as far as I am concerned. I only mention it to see who reads my blog and wants to wish me happy birthday. It's amazing how many people who love me have to be reminded. (Seriously, I'm joking!)
I got my trusty old Bernina out the other day so I could mend a couple things for my Dad. Once out, it does not like to go back into the box too quickly, so I thought I would take it for a spin. I have been sewing strips together to make
Bonnie's Scrappy Trips Around the World. Yes, I have a small stash here at my son's house so I can play. I love those blocks, by the way. They go together so quickly and I love the scrappy look they create. I really want to get on the
Sunshine Band Wagon and do some serious stash busting this year.
Judy L. has a plan. I don't quite have enough confidence in myself to sign up, but I want to at least make the effort to use more yardage than I buy.
I mentioned previously that my youngest son was bringing a girl home to meet the family. I am afraid to say anything about her for fear of jinxing the deal, but I want to say, "Can we keep her"? She is a real sweetheart and they seem to have a good connection. We all voted and she wins. Don't tell anyone though or I will be in trouble for opening my big mouth again. It's a problem I seem to have!
I may be able to add a picture or two tomorrow, until then --
Happy New Year 2008! (Who knew I would live this long)?