Greeting from sunny south east Virginia, USA! Fabulous weather here! Yesterday my friend Sue and I went to lunch at a place that sits on the water of an inlet just off the Chesapeake Bay. It was so warm and delightful that we sat out on their deck. As you can imagine, they have great sea food around here. We had Greek salads and blackened salmon. We love these outdoor restaurants! You never know when a warm spell will come along, and in fact, we even sat outside one time in January! Hey, we are from Minnesota! That is a big deal! The ice is just starting to break up on the lakes back home!
I have been working on my Home Sweet Home blocks. I get so excited every time I complete a block! Since I last posted I have finished "dressing" these three house. I really am pleased
with the way the red berries brighten up the first block! And I love the yellow sunflower! I need to find a way to add a little more yellow to the quilt. I love some of the fabric choices, and others - not so much. Hopefully in the end the total combination will be good. I actually changed the vase fabric in block #3, three times until I was satisfied. I mean I had the vase all prepped to sew down three times. Sue and I were talking about second guessing ourselves yesterday. I guess we all do that. I suppose there are people out there who can make choices without always questioning and re-questioning their decisions. If you are like that, please do NOT comment on my blog! Leave me some sense of normalcy.

I am also in the midst of making more 3 inch 9-patch blocks to finish a UFO. So many of you are making great progress on your UFOs. I offer my
congratulations! I hope I can focus in on some of mine also. I wish I had been in a 9-patch exchange for this quilt. There are sooo many 9-patches! I have about 200 left to make. Of course we are going for variety here, so I am digging through scraps and strips. I actually like that part, but it can be rather slow going. It feels good to sit at my machine and sew little pieces together. I feel like all I have been doing lately is applique prep work. That is OK too. But I do love to piece blocks. Wow, the choices I have to make: should I applique or piece today??? I LOVE doing this stuff!