Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Little Trees Pattern

This quilt finishes 24" x 24"

Perhaps you have seen this little Christmas quilt making the rounds again this year. Its popularity seems to grow more each year. It used to be a free pattern on my website, which is now closed, but people keep asking for it, 
so due to many requests, I am reprinting it here. 
Feel free to cut and paste to make a hard copy.
Click each photo to isolate for printing.

Merry Christmas one and all!
Marcie Patch


  1. This is such a cute pattern, thank you for printing it again!

  2. I remember making one for my mom when you first offered the pattern. It's such a fun Christmas quilt - I always meant to make one for myself. Thanks for this Marcie!

  3. You are just so awesome! thank you!!

  4. I love this pattern, Marcie!
    I thought I already had it, but I checked and it wasn't in my "Patchalot" folder. Thanks for sharing it!
    You know I will try to adapt it to make a mini. : )

  5. Thank you so much for the cute pattern! I ๐Ÿ’“it!

  6. Thank you for the great pattern! Merry Christmas!

  7. Thanks so much for this adorable pattern--it's going to be tough deciding which border to use!!

  8. Hey Marcie, Hope I wasn't part of the problem! LOL I love this quilt. One of my favorites.

  9. Merry Christmas to you and thank you for the sweet pattern.

  10. It's a delightful pattern and you are sweet for sharing the pattern with all of us.

  11. Thanks for the pattern Marcie!

  12. Very sweet, and very festive - thanks so much.

  13. Thank you, Marcie. Happy New Year!


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