The stockings were stuffed in the mailbox with care, in hopes they would travel to my grandchildren by air! Well it rhymes, but will never be a hit. Yes, I finally got the stockings mailed off to the kids just in the (St.) Nick of time!
All the stockings I have made for my nine grandchildren and two greats have been from denim jeans. You can see the seam that runs down one side. These make nice sturdy, home-style stockings. These stockings were smaller than the others because I had to beg for jeans from a lady who only had skinny ones. What is with that? If this trend continues I will be making crazy patched denim stockings next. Sounds cute, but too many seams. As it is I had to piece the toes, but it doesn't show under the toe patch, or on the back, so it is fine. The applique is all done in wool. This is different from years past as well. I love wool applique!

I seriously wondered if these stockings would ever get done this year. I am itching to sew on other projects, but that may not happen for a while. Christmas is just around the corner and I am all for deep breathing and relaxing when possible! January will be here soon enough and then I can become a serious sewer again.
I made up this cute little pot for my sister. It contains a sprouting Amaryllis, which my mother always loved, along with a little Christmas trim. I think she will enjoy watching it grow. Have you ever had one? They are so pretty!Merry Christmas friends! I have appreciated all the nice words of comfort and love sent my way this past year. I am constantly amazed at the wonderful friends I have made out there, and most of you I have never even met! May the blessings of the holidays warm your homes and your hearts.