to the poll it looks like Dream Catcher is the favored name for my new quilt. I am really glad because now I don’t have to over-rule everyone! 60% of those who voted chose Dream Catcher as the name for the quilt pictured in the post below this one. I loved Stina’s comment about Fudge Factor being the quilt’s working name.
Dream -catcher, for those who may not know, is a Native American tradition that began in the Ojibway (Chippewa) tribe. All the drea
m-catchers are similar to the one pictured, yet unique, as they are each hand made by individuals. So, like quilts in that way! Most seem to have feathers hanging on them. That gives me the idea that I need feathers on my quilt! The dream-catcher is hung above the beds of sleeping children to protect them from nightmares. The bad dreams will get caught in the web of this Indian charm. Good dreams are allowed to pass through. This sounds like a tradition we need to incorporate in every quilt we make!
You remember my last quilt was named Indian Paintbrush, and Karen Diane says she is feeling cosmic vibes with the Indian names. Let’s hope that is a good thing. I personally really enjoy Native American folklore. I believe the Native American culture has had a huge impact on us as Americans, not only in our history, but in how we are learning to respect and treasure our Mother Earth. It makes me happy to pay tribute to them in some small way through my quilts. Now I am thinking about my next quilt…maybe Dances with Scraps. What do you think?
What a wonderful post! There's a lot to say here but this is really it: ...but in how we are learning to respect and treasure our Mother Earth.
Dances with Scraps is fantastic. I look forward to see what other ideas float to the surface.
Thanks for sharing the information. The name really fits now that we know more about it!
So when can we see the next quilt?
I can't wait to see "Dances with Scraps". What a fun name!
Dances with scraps! I see you running through the house with strips trailing behind you. So when does the quilt pattern go on sale!!! I love it. Oh and if you do Dances with scraps you have to send it to me for a pic with the wigwam at the campus Emily wants to go to!
Dances with Scraps! Perfect! I love it!
Fantastic name! It's great, you're on a roll... I can hear the tom-tom beats.
Does this mean you'll be in a skimpy little outfit with streamers of scraps? How fun and oh my what an image! You made me smile and I'm sitting here alone! See you soon!!!
You made me laugh....lol
I love the idea of feathers on the quilt and I can't wait to see "dances with scraps". :)
I love that "Dream Catcher" won out! And "Dances..." sounds like a terrific one to have in-the-works. ;-) You are much too clever. Maybe this is a book or series waiting to become published?!? ;-)
Oh Marcie - you crack me up. I can't wait for Dances with Scraps. Sounds like my kinda quilt *s*
Dances with Scraps.. that would be a quilt to remember... love the name...you just have to make one...:o)
And I see that Fudge Factor have been transformed to Dream Catcher...love that name to...but you know I still love the Fudge one!! :o)
A rose by any other name....blessings, marlene
When will Dream Catcher be available as a pattern?
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