I have been playing with a new design. I play with ideas on EQ and sometimes it is months later when I go back and play some more, and finally get to where I want to give it the "textile test". Of course that means I actually cut and sew to see if it works.
My plan was to make this quilt in blues and browns. I have been collecting these color families and they are so pretty. I wanted to make a fairly big quilt, so I made large blocks. After making several, enough to get a feel for it, I decided that I really wanted to make smaller blocks. So I cut everything down, sewed it back up and took another look. I then decided that the blue and brown looked really blah. (Sew Primitive Karen says I am color starved.) So now it is open season on any fabric within reach, or even out of reach. You have heard me complain that my sewing room is such a mess. This is why. And I know I don't have to explain to any
one who makes quilts. There is just no easy way to deal with choosing fabric for a scrap quilt. I was just mentioning to Julie Q. (she is also playing with scraps) today that my favorite method of cleaning my sewing room is to pick up scraps and sew them together. It is a slow process, but gratifying! I mentioned to my husband that I could have a sign in my sewing room that says, "Please excuse the mess, things are under construction". Well, it's true. I am constructing things. He's not falling for it.

Meanwhile, I am finding scraps to use that have been around for a long time. They are pieces left from other scrap quilts. I almost think that if you looked at all my quilts you could find a DNA strand that connects them. I love throwing new pieces of fabric into the mix as well. So I am very happy on several levels! I even had a stash of flying geese that were just the right size to add. I LOVE when that happens!
I hope you are finding splendor in the scraps at your abode. ( If you get that, it really dates you!)
Have a happy scrappy day!

Those two quilts turned out absolutely gorgeous! I also love what you're working on now...and can understand your need to add color! I'll have to try that cleaning my sewing room by sewing together scraps, what a brilliant idea!
I was just considering whether I should share a picture of the mess that is my studio on my blog. Soo many projects started and not much cleaned up. I'm glad I'm not the only one in this boat. Was Splendor in the Grass a movie or a song?
Your two quilts are just so lovely...
Your quilts are great...Love the geese. Good idea with the scraps. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Linda
very beautiful! but who do owen and ian belong to?
Splendor in the Scraps! Now that puts a positive spin to the mess. :-D I'll remember that line. As always, you're showing some beautiful quilts today.
The two quilts are lovely...the colours are so rich...I bet they will be well liked.
My color theory is The More the Merrier. You can't go wrong with a lot of colors. I love it so far and the baby blankets are beautiful. Ian and Owen will love them.
I caught the Splendor in the Scraps reference, so I guess that dates me alright! ha!! Marcie, I do love the infusion of color into your design, it really does spark the effect. Our daughter had the name "Owen" on her 'list', I've heard that one a lot lately, it's becoming more popular. The baby quilts are wonderful!! I need to spend more time in EQ.
The boys' quilts are just stunning! Their quilts will certainly grow with them...and perhaps even become heirlooms for their own babies some day.
Love the phrase "color starved!" Clever! The second photo looks very well nourished...very happy!
I kind of like the muted tones of the blue and brown. I think it gives it a classic, antique-y kind of look.
I love the 2 baby quilts - they're wonderful! I also like your new scrappy quilt developing. In blue and brown it looked more subdued - the pattern comes alive with more color but I like both.
Yeah for the finishes . . . Ian and Owen are going to be a couple of happy little fellas *s*
Love the new design . . . scrap quilts rule!
Love those two quilts and I do like the change you made to the blocks.
So cute! Love the little star quilts. And I love your new project.
Well I have a grandson named Owen also and the name fits him so perfectly...we just love it...and him :D but no Ian in our family.
Oh, Those little quilts are so darling. I love your fabric & color choices.
I love your new project. It's very scrappy and beautiful.
I get the reference so I'm dated lol. Your quilt is looking pretty, Marcie!
I love the baby quilts! Great job.
Hi Aunt Marcie-
Ian loves his quilt...and so does his mom! Thank you so much for your thoughtful gift. Your talent always amazes me! Thanks for letting me know about Grandpa Jim's blog! Can't that guy tell a good story or what!
Lastly, I need your address to send an official thank you. Could you email it to me. jennifer@winspearcreative.com
Love and miss you!
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