We do have a tradition that MUST take place every year in our house, and that is the Christmas Puzzle! My husband bought this puzzle at least twenty years ago. And every year he has put it together with the help of whomever is around. We keep looking for a new puzzle, but have never found one that we like as well as this one. At this point, we would like to buy a new one just like this one! You would think we could put it together in our sleep, but no, every year we struggle over which piece goes where. We pick up each piece with great affection, recognizing many from years gone by. Still others surprise us when their spot is finally located and we see a well known picture reappear! The triumph we feel at placing each piece in its proper spot is ridiculous! You would think we were splitting atoms or something. So even with no tree, no decorations, no stockings hung by the fire, this is one tradition that must go on! The kids are gone, but the Christmas Puzzle remains!

My Christmas Wreath is a treasure! I saw something similar in a Mary Engelbreit Magazine a few years ago. It is loaded with old ornaments from my mom's house from when I was a child. Let me tell you, she had TONS! Maybe some of you will recognize some of them from your childhood as well. It was so much fun to make! So that is my little contribution to the Christmas decorating theme in blogland!